


With Fall on the horizon, I am loving all things caramel right now.  Caramel is my second favorite sweet next to chocolate.  Mix the two together and that's pure heaven.  Here are some caramel or caramel-inspired things that I'm lovin' right now:

Caramel Apples--Don't these look amazing?! I love the idea of trying out different types of toppings.  The possibilities are endless.

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Toasted Caramel Sugar--I won a Scentsy from the sweet Natalie at Extraordinary Love.  The first scent that we have tried is Toasted Caramel Sugar.  Yum, yum!! It makes the house smell like a bag of caramel candies...almost as if you could eat a piece of the air.  I love how the light adds a soft glow to the corner of our living room too.

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Land's End's Leather Ballet Slippers--The color of these flats look like the inside of a Rolo or a caramel-filled Dove chocolate.  Plus comfy flats are a teacher's staple.  These would look so cute with tights and a skirt, dress pants, or even capris and a light sweater.  The sole makes these look super comfy too...cute and comfy.  That gets the grade in this teacher's book!
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 So have any caramel loves yourself? What is making you crave Fall?


  1. I LOVE Caramel! And now I want to get a scentsy just so my house smells as good as yours!

  2. Oh, nice choices! Now I want a caramel apple and some new flats. :-D

  3. oh my....those caramel apples look absolutely delectable!
    i'm so glad you are loving the scentsy still : ) that scent sounds so yummy!

  4. Yum! I have 2 scentsy plug ins and love then although now I'll have to try the caramel scent!

  5. Awesome!! I am hosting a Scentsy party next week!!


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