

miscellany monday

It's been too I'm very excited to be linking up with the lovely Carissa today!

One-Yikes.  I am a bad, bad blogger lately.  Even some of my mom's friends have commented on the fact that I'm not posting lately.  (To those friends and others that are thinking it...I'm so sorry! I promise I have some ideas coming...and I am re-prioritizing my life a bit which will lead to more posts.)  Honestly, blogging is my outlet.  I love it and how it allows me to free my thoughts.  Seriously, if I don't write...I'm so unsettled! Thanks to those of you that are so supportive and kind enough to inspire me to keep up the blogging!

Two-Contentment.  One thing that is really, really lacking in my life right now.  Whew...advice would be more than lovely on ways you have overcome times like this in your life.  I'm feeling it like I never have.  However, I am so thankful for one thing in this season...that I have the steadfast promise of Christ's love and His grace in my life.  He loves me through all seasons and all soul battles and I know He loves me far too much to leave me in this struggle for too long and He definitely won't let me come out of this unchanged in one way or another.  (Um, yep, that's a run-on sentence from this 4th grade teacher and daughter of a grammar-crazy mother.  Forgive me, Mom...I'm leaving it that way.)

Three-Thanks to those of you that joined in on the link-up.  I've always enjoyed joining them myself...and it was equally fun and encouraging to read all of your great posts you linked up! You gals are so creative and inspiring! Hope to do the same thing for the Christmas season!

Four-I mentioned back a couple months ago that one of my goals this year was to take things a day at a time.  Surprisingly (well not...because it's totally through God's grace and help), it's working.  I have had moments of pressure and stress thinking ahead this year, but for the most part, I have taken it a day at a time! It has been such a blessing to see how it has changed my daily perspective in the classroom and how I approach each lesson (well mostly) with eagerness and excitement.  It's also caused Fall Break to sneak closer and closer without me really noticing....I love that!

Five-We've decided to get a security system for our home (well besides our vicious pup)! ;) I'm excited that it fits in our budget.  It's something I definitely want when we have kiddos, so we've decided with the great pricing they're offering right now, we're going for it! What do you all think about your security systems? Anyone out there have them and have positives/negatives to share? 

Isn't being miscellany so much fun? Feels good for the soul! Happy Monday y'all!


  1. Hi Cait! I hear you about number 2! That is a struggle of mine as well. I heard something this last week at Bible study that sort of made me see things a little differently- she said that God allows us to feel these times of lack or feeling like we dont have so that we can fully appreciate our gain. All we need is Him. I know it isnt always easy but maybe that will help! Have a great day!

  2. Glad y'all are able to get a security system! That would definitely make me feel safer :) Hope you're having a great day!

  3. a christmas link up would be so fun! and as for contentment, i think remember what God has blessed me with (through Natalie's blessing box) has really stretched me to be more content in this season of life where everything is so different than before :)

  4. I've been struggling to find contentment in most aspects of my life lately. Call it mid-life or whatever, but God has really been stretching me into a place of contentment in Him. I must keep my eyes on Him, or it all falls apart. I think taking things one day at a time is part of me finding that contentment. Now that I've rambled on, hope you had a great Monday.


Thanks for stopping by! Your support and insight encourage and inspire me! I would love to hear your thoughts.