

storage DIY

We have this little nook between our living room and kitchen that is a perfect spot for this chrome shelving we bought from Target.  However, it stands out as an eyesore when it stashes our soft drinks and Justin's lunchbox.  So a three-day weekend this past weekend led to a DIY project with some materials I had around the house.

Remember my DIY curtain project I posted about here? I had some canvas material left over and thought it would make the perfect material to create panels that would cover the bottom of the shelving.

The materials:  canvas material, velcro, Heat-n-Bond, measurements, and an iron.  I talked about the amazing Heat-n-Bond in my curtain post mentioned above.  It's simply wonderful! (Especially to those of you a little timid to sew like I am.)

I cut my three panels (one for the front of the shelves and one for each end) and then hemmed them using the Heat-n-Bond.

Next, I added the material to each of the three sides (adhesive side down).

And mid-project I discovered that my awesome velcro found on clearance at Wal-Mart only had one adhesive side (boo) which meant I would have to sew the velcro onto the panels.  Um, nope.  And since I am one that is a little OCD and must have a project completed once I start it (really, it drives me crazy to leave something unfinished), I found fabric glue in our office and glued the velcro to the panels.  (Adhesive would have worked better, but this worked well enough.)

And, finished.  (The wrinkles will fall out...they did beautifully in my curtains.)  I love how this pulls the little nook together, hides the uglies underneath, and allows us to conveniently lift each panel to pull out what we need from the shelf.

So how have you gotten clever with DIY storage in your house? Do share...I'm always up for another project idea!


  1. love it--it fits perfectly and totally matches your basket! looks great : ) hope you're having a blessed week!

  2. What a wonderful idea! Amazing how something so simple can make an area look "finished", isn't it? Good for you! Hope you're enjoying your day so nice to have a short work week, huh?!

  3. love, love, love organization!! and love the added texture of the canvas material! super cute :)

  4. So cute - what a great idea! I just bought some 'heat n bond' during the Labor Day sale at JoAnn's!!! I'm excited to try it...I'll be sure to ask you if I can't figure it out. :) I think I'm going to try to put together some pillows with it. I've been thinking about you all at school - hope you're doing well!

  5. CUTE!! Way to go!! I have seen this done before and thought about doing it. Such a great idea!


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