

the blessing box--much needed

Taking some time out to focus on the many blessings in my life is something that is much needed right now.  I'm really in a funk lately.  Just so many things on my mind and on my plate.  I see the light at the end of the tunnel coming....fall break.  However, there are quite a few hurdles to jump over before I get there.  I feel like I'm jumping and jumping and jumping right now.  Barely able to catch my breath.  Barely able to enjoy the blessings around me.  It's times like these that I feel myself gripping tighter and tighter to worry and stress and less and less to my Savior.  So out of my fog of stress and worry and discontentment...I can find joy in how God blesses me.  How wonderful that He continues to love us and bless us through forgiveness even when we are so naive and weak to give into the world around us.

Doors being open.  It's neat to see how God opens doors that cause you to stop and think about where they might be leading.

My twin neices, Hadley and Gentry and my nephew, Cooper.  We spent time at my sister-in-law's and brother-in-law's tonight.  It's amazing how much weight is lifted off your mind and how much joy creeps in just by hearing the gurgling laughter of babies and the innocent mealtime prayer of a four year old.  So sweet.

Seeing a precious student interact with another student that others have trouble being around and communicating with.  This same sweet girl is always complementing and encouraging others, including myself.  Her sweet smile and innocent, genuine personality are such a gift in my classroom.

The new young adult Sunday School class I am teaching.  How powerful it is to see God working in your own heart and mind as He works through you to prepare to teach others about Him.

Cutting our cable and internet bill in HALF.  Yes, half.  Don't worry...a post is coming about this.  I need to share my tips with you in hopes that you can also defeat those utility "bullies".

Head over and join Natalie.  Take some time to reflect on your own blessings! Here's to hoping you have a peaceful, restful night.  A sleep that blesses you and wakes you to the promises of tomorrow.


  1. This is a wonderful list! God is amazing!

  2. praying for contentment for you for the rest of the week! i know how hard that funk can be and I pray you'll cling to Jesus and let him bring you out of it : )
    how adorable are the names hadley & gentry?! i'm guessing gentry's mom is your husband's sister?? adorable! and i can't wait to hear about how you cut your bill in half--amazing!
    have a blessed 2nd half of your week my dear! glad you could join us this week : )

  3. way to take a funky mood and look to the Lord instead! i've loved having this blog hop every week, especially on the weeks i'm not in the mood to remember my blessings! (and excited to see how you cut your bill in half too!)

  4. That's so sweet about your one student taking the time to talk to your other student. Makes it worth while, I bet.

  5. Hey Cait!
    Thank you for stopping by my blog! I am glad you did, because now I can keep up with your wonderful blog! I read your love story...loved it! This Blessing Box is such a great idea, I think I will follow along! God's love is amazing, and I enjoyed reading about all of the ways He is blessing you this week!! Happy Wednesday!

  6. I tagged you in the 8 question game over at my blog!

  7. So important to take time to appreciate the little things. You deserve some relaxation my friend.


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