

crazy joy...crazy special friend

My sweet real-life friend, Page, is hosting her first giveway! Yay for her! I'm so excited that she has been blessed with more time to blog and allow her creative side to shine.  She is one joy-filled, talented woman of God.  I was extremely blessed to teach with her last year and was touched by her creative ideas and passion for life.  When I saw she was hosting her first giveaway, I knew I had to post about it! If you haven't checked out her blog, make sure to take time to do so! Whether she's sharing about what God is teaching her and putting on her heart, sharing a story from her daily life, or sharing an amazing craft idea, she'll get you hooked! Head on over and check out her great giveaway--a Max Lucado book and one of her unique headband creations! Here's to more of your creative dreams being fulfilled, Page! What a blessing you are to me!

Here is a glimpse into her go enter the giveaway on her blog, Crazy Joy!

image courtesy of crazy joy
Happy weekends, friends! May you find time to let your creative, joy-filled sides loose this weekend!


  1. Thank you Caitlin!!! You are too sweet...your kind words make me miss our special year last year all the more. Thank you for your friendship, your encouragement, and your example! You are one fabulous gal!!


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