

tag...I'M it...three times

I've been tagged three times within the past week! Time to play catch-up and answer these fun questions! (So sorry if you tagged me and I missed it!) These three ladies asked some great questions!

Rachel asked....

1) What is your favorite part of your day?

Definitely early evening.  I love that I am hopefully finished with "teacher duties" by that time and am enjoying relaxing with my hubby and puppy or even some of our family.

2) What is your favorite meal?

If you're meaning time specific, then definitely dinner (well supper).  On the farm, especially my grandpa, says lunch as "dinner" so to clarify for any of your country folk....supper.  If you're meaning type of food, anything Italian!

3) What is your morning routine?
Alarm goes off a few minutes before 6.  I hit snooze a time or two.  Wake up...kiss my hubby and then my pup before getting out of bed.  Get ready with just the light of the bathroom so I don't wake up the snoozing boys.  I take my shower at night, so I just get dressed, semi-do my hair and make-up.  Who am I trying to impress in a room of 22 kiddos? Then I get my lunch ready and grab breakfast to take on the go.  I wake Justin up to say goodbye and so he can watch me go to my car.  (I hate going outside in the dark by myself.) Say goodbye to him and Boone and head to's definitely still dark by this time.  Boo.  My morning drive is spent in quiet prayer. 

4) If you could go anywhere on a vacation, where would you go?
Anywhere tropical! I would also love to go to Italy and Greece...they're on my bucket list.

5) If you could do any home improvement to your house without money being a problem, what would you do?

Wow! Where do I start? Love my little home...but boy is it the perfect home to remodel and grow! Well being that we have lived in our move-in ready home for over two years now, we are seeing many things we would like to do to make this house more "live-able" for our tastes.  First on my list, remodel the master bathroom to add a shower.  Also, add another bath upstairs for guests.  Not sure that there's room, but it would be nice.  Next on the list would be to add a garage and mudroom.  Third, finish the basement.  And lastly, remodel the kitchen. 

6) Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Let's see.  That would make me almost 35.  Weird! With God's blessing...definitely two, and hopefully three kiddos.  Hopefully, again with God's blessing, I'll be at home with my kiddos and hopefully own my own business even if it's simply an online store selling my art.  Our big dream would be that Justin and I would be entrepreneurs together. 

7) Do you have a hobby?
Wouldn't I love time for a hobby! :) Blogging, jewelry making, and can organizing be a hobby?

8) Why did you start blogging? 
I love to write.  Love it.  I also love to journal.  Finally, with the combination of some ideas that pop in my head sometimes, I thought, hey! Why not share them with the world?! What a fun ride it's been!

Now to Natalie's questions...

1. What do you do for a living and is it your passion? If it's not, what would be your dream job?

I am a 4th grade teacher in a public school in the county we live in.  It's my current passion.  I am very passionate about reaching my kiddos and making sure to provide a community in which they feel safe and important both from how I treat them and how their classmates treat them.  My dream job is to stay at home and also pursue my creative passions.  Maybe in ministry? Maybe in a business? I just don't know yet.

2. What kind of tradition does your family have at Christmas time?
Wow! We are very tradition-oriented people! I will narrow it down to sharing one of my favorites that was passed down from my mom's great grandparents and one that is on my dad's side.  Actually, Christmas Eve is more special to me due to traditions than actual Christmas day.  On my mom's side, we do Dollar Gifts on Christmas Eve.  We go to my grandparents and all trade a "dollar gift" with each other.  We each get a small gift from everyone else there.  Although we call them dollar gifts, they are usually around $5.  I love this tradition and enjoying the simple, small things! On my dad's side we always do Christmas Eve breakfast.  I love this special time with my grandpa and see the joy in him by having all of his family together in one place.

3. What is your favorite form of fitness and why do you like it?

Ah, Natalie! What a great accountability question! I currently lack a form of fitness other than running around my classroom helping and working with students.  I do enjoy taking walks.  And really, I enjoy going to the gym because of the atmosphere that encourages me to be motivated.  That just doesn't fit in the budget right now!

4. If you're married, did you have a long or short engagement? If you're not, would you want a long or short engagement?
Well we dated for 3 months and that's stretching it.  Our engagement was exactly one year.  It was exactly how long I always wanted an engagement to be....but really, by 6 months, I was ready to have the wedding.  I wouldn't want to wait that long if Justin and I did it over again.

5. What is your favorite thing about blogging?

Being able to express my thoughts and ideas.  I also love connecting with others that are going through some of the things as myself.

6. What is your favorite way to worship? (Singing, praying, serving, reading?)

Reading, praying and serving.  I really love service!

7. Does your name have special meaning?

My mom picked it out when she was a little girl.  She heard it in a movie and knew she wanted to name a little girl, Caitlin, if she ever had one.  I kept my middle name and then added my maiden name as well as a middle name. My middle name from birth was Frazier, which is my mom's maiden name.  My grandparent's didn't have a son, so it was my mom and dad's way of helping their name continue in the family.

8. Truthfully would you ever consider adopting a child? If so, would you pursue foster adoption, domestic or international?
Goodness, this is something that Justin and I have thought about and discussed.  We are definitely going to take that route if we have trouble getting pregnant.  We have also considered doing it even we easily get pregnant with a couple of our own.  I would love, love a little Hispanic baby if we adopt.  We'll follow God's calling, though, wherever it leads.

And finally, to Leigh Ann's questions...

1. What is your most favorite thing about fall?

The cooler weather, beautiful colors, pumpkins, and finding new fall clothes.

2. How would you spend your perfect Saturday?
Being lazy with my hubby.  We hardly ever get to be lazy anymore.  It would end with a fun dinner date.

3. What is something you've learned recently?
I don't give myself enough credit and am my own worst enemy.  However, I'm trying to remain grounded and focused too.

4. Do you like the seasonal drinks at Starbucks or stick to your year-round favorite?

Well my favorite is the caramel apple cider, which is more seasonal for fall, but it's there year-round.  Anyway, it's my fave and we now make it at home.  I'll share that trick sometime soon!

5. What is your favorite meal to make?

Hmmm.  Wow there are so not many I make at home.  My favorite is a chicken lasagna roll-up.  It's a Sandra Lee recipe.  Justin's favorite is my semi-fried chicken that you bake with corn flakes as a crust.  It's actually a weight watchers recipe.  I enjoy both of those!

6. How do you spend your evenings?
Getting caught up on things at home, such as dishes and laundry.  The best nights are those where we are both home and can eat dinner together and relax on the couch.

7. Are you passionate about anything? Why?

I'm a very passionate person to the core.  If' I am about something or behind something I'm in it 110%.  I'm passionate about putting children first.  Whether that's as a teacher, as a parent, or as someone in my church.  I'm passionate about my faith.  It's the foundation of my life, my marriage, and even how I approach my career.  I'm passionate about the University of Kentucky athletics (basketball especially) if you're looking for a less deep answer. :)

8. If you were given $20 to spend on anything, what would you spend it on?

I'm bad about spending. Honestly, it would probably go in my wallet and I would slowly use it to buy dollar large diet cokes at McDonald's on my way to class once a week from school.  That's my sanity on Mondays.  If not that, I would go shop the clearance racks at TJ Maxx for decorative home goodies!

Your turn! I'm tagging...

Jamie @ this kind of love
Jessie @ graciejess 
Ashleigh @ ashleigh's blog  
Cheri @ everyday blessings
 Amy @ a southern love
Melanie @ country roads
Courtney @ with gratitude
Katie @ burtsbizz

My questions for you...

1.  What are you looking forward to most about having children? If you already have children, what is the best thing about being a parent? If you aren't planning on having children, what is your favorite thing about a special kiddo in your life?
2.  What is your favorite bible verse?
3.  What is the most romantic thing your husband has done for you?
4.  I like this I'm revising it a bit.  Where do you see yourself in just 5 years?
5.  What is something you would do if you had more time on your hands?
6.  What is the best thing about the town in which you live?
7.  What is the last random act of kindness you showed toward someone or someone else showed to you?
8.  What is you and your hubby's "typical" date night? Your staple time together that you love? The kind of date night that you both love but maybe you think others might not "get".

Thanks for the tag, girls! Can't wait to read answers from you other gals! Happy weekend! 


  1. so fun to read all your answers & learn more about you : )
    i am obsessed w/ carmel apple cider too. i made some last year for Christmas Eve and I should try again. i would love to see your recipe as well though! : ) Have a great weekend!

  2. loved all of your answers! especially buying one $1 coke at a time, i would totally do something just like that! and the questions you asked were so good too! happy weekend :)

  3. Yea can't wait to participate!
    I love the $20 question... we would totally be frugal friends! :)

  4. Hey Girl! Thanks for stopping by my blog and thanks for the tag! I love all your questions! I'm already working on my post! Loving your blog! :)

  5. Thanks for the tag girl :)

    Loved reading your answers and learning more about you!

  6. Loved reading your answers! I did my 'tag' post a little bit ago..hope you enjoy..and thanks for tagging me!! I love doing stuff like this! ;-)


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