

30 for 30--Day 2

This was my second day of the 30 for 30 challenge.  So far, even though I'm only on day 2, I'm loving it! Seriously, it's weird...but so know that I can only choose from 30 pieces of clothing that I have picked out.  I love how it narrows down my closet options tremendously...and it encourages me to be free and creative.  Now, as you can tell from my second day's choice...I'm really not a fancy dresser.  At all.  I'm very simple.  What you see on me at any given time is something I could wear to almost any given function in my life.  I love clothes, but I'm not fancy.

 {Day 2 of 30 outfit}
*My Day:  Birthday shopping with my little brother for my mom and dinner out to celebrate Mom's bday*
(pardon the bad photo...hubby was not at home so I had to take it myself...and my hair is still a tad wet.  That combination makes for a bad pic.) 

From 30:  Casual dark jeans, tan flats, brown long sleeve shirt; From Accessories:  yellow and brown floral scarf and brown round earrings

Memorable moments:

-Justin told me that he's always thought I was a "hip-dressed" person.  I thought that was sweet.  It's always fun to go back to those days where you were in full-on flirt mode with your love.  So sweet that he still thinks of the days where he just admired me from afar.  I'm blessed to have a hubby that still admires me and let's me know he finds me "hip" and beautiful.  I find him pretty handsome himself.

-I went birthday shopping with my little bro for my mom today and we went into many clothing stores.  Ugh.  A $6 clearance dress and a 15% off coupon....but I put it back.  Adorable sweaters.  Put them back.  Cute winter boots.  Grrr....just looked from afar.

-Carving out a section of my closet devoted to my 30 pieces of clothing.  I'm visual.  This way, when I see that I don't have much left in this section, I know to DO LAUNDRY.  Yes, it has to get to that point sometimes.  I'm an awesome procrastinator....and laundry is no exception.

-Considering cutting the items of clothing in my closet at least in half.  Still just considering at this point.  But heavily considering!

My advise to you?! Take this challenge! Really, you'll love it.  (And don't worry, you can blame me if you don't.)


  1. i love it! i am so bad at mirror pictures and avoid them at all costs. today i waited over 2 hours to change into my pj's just so tony could come home and do my picture. haha!
    i think it's so freeing too! it's so much easier to pick something out when you don't have as many options! i keep thinking that we will be thinking we're crazy when it's december 15th or so : )
    I'm so glad you're enjoying it too!!! I love doing this with you!
    oh-and you have so much willpower to put the $6 clearance dress back. you are amazing!


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