

christmas cheesin'

This will be our third married Christmas.  The first year, we just sent out regular Christmas cards.  Last year, we pulled the family in front of the Christmas tree and made a photo for a photo Christmas card.  This year, we plan on doing a Christmas card also, but we're using photos from our past year and creating a collage of them for our card.  And this year, I'm lovin' Shutterfly! They have such a wide variety of card options and I love the options of using a group of pictures instead of just one picture for the card.  I love getting photo I enjoy sending the myself!

Shutterfly has gobs of fun products to choose from! Seriously, I found so much while looking through their Christmas card options.

You can choose from fun party invitations.....

To help with your Christmas shopping, you can choose from calendars...



You can make wrapping your gifts simpler with their great Christmas gift tags....

How cute are those?!

And you can make mailing your Christmas cards even more cheerful by adding personalized address labels!

And of course, you'll want to check out all their fabulous photo Christmas cards.

I love this one because of the fun plaid...
this one that tells the story of your family's year...

and their flat photo cards with great designs definitely invite holiday cheer!

(Can you tell I'm into the brown this year?)

It's so hard to choose...but I think this one is my fave from their selection of cards and stationary!

I can't wait to pick out our photo card for this year! What are your plans for sending Christmas cards?


  1. love the little snowflakes/ornaments on that last card, so cute! i'm excited to send out our shutterfly picture cards soon! i might have gotten a tad excited since i ordered them in october when there was a great deal going on on 2009 cards--got them + a picture coffee mug for 13 dollars! gotta love online deals :)
    cant wait to see your card choice!

  2. Congrats on this being your third married Christmas together, that is awesome. I just checked out Shutterfly in which I had never heard of and it seems really neat. I might decide to use it myself for holiday cards. Thanks for sharing :)

  3. I really love the card that tells a story! So cute! And this is our 2nd Christmas together! It's crazy!

  4. Just finished ordering mine. Took me a while because what I wanted I couldn't order but I'm happy with the end result. Only $8.47 total. Happy Christmas card ordering.


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