

Dear Santa...

Today's topic...

Letters to Santa...YOUR Christmas Wish List!


Grab the button and link-up for the fun!

Dear Santa,
I really have done my best to be good this year.  Yes, I whine occasionally.  And sometimes I get a little stubborn.  But overall, I think you would consider me on the "nice" list, right?! I have divided my list into my "for real" items and my "get real" items.  Any and all of the below items would be more than wonderful to see under the tree.  If you need other hubby and mom know me really well.  I'm sure they could help you out.

My For Real list...

KitchenAid Mixer
(I should have kept this on my wedding registry list.)

Gift Cards
(You know this girl loves to shop. Among my favorites are Gap, Ann Taylor Loft, Target, iTunes, and TJ Maxx.)

Answered prayers
(However, I know I can't have my way all the time.)

Vera Bradley
(Basically anything from Vera.)


A New Brown Coat
 (Isn't this North Face one nice?)

And just in case you're feeling extra generous this year...
 My Get Real list...
A new car (or SUV),
A garage for our house,
A truck to give to my deserving hubby,
and last but not least,
world peace.

Your Favorite

Looking forward to reading your letters to Santa!
Link up your wrapping tips for tomorrow (Day 9).


  1. i wanted a kitchenaid mixer SO bad when we got married but tony didn't want to register for it. i'm still sad about that but now that we live where we do, i don't know where i would keep it! love your list! i'm excited to share mine : )

  2. i love everything on your list!!!! i want a kitchen aid mixer really bad. i want a fun bright color too. :) and you can never have a enough vera!!!!!! lol! have you seen the new navy print? it's so cute.

  3. love all of your gift card places & all things vera too! what a fun list :)

  4. Love the coat! And the SUV. If it can fit in the stocking on that TV commercial, it can fit in yours....right?

  5. Love all Vera, love my KitchenAid mixer! (It was on our registry but no one bought it. Since we got a good amount of cash I convinced hubby to let me get it when we had 20% off our registry @ Macy's. It was on sale too so I got a great deal! He loves it too now that he sees how awesome it is!)

  6. love love LOVE have a great list!!

    p.s. I've been having trouble getting your button to work the past couple I've just been writing out a link to your blog. i can never get the button image to show, just a blank box...


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