

How Much Can I Save in a Year?

This should be fun! I'm joining up with Ashleigh over at Thankfully Thrifty to see just how much money I can save in a year with coupons.  Yep, just coupons! This will include anything I purchase and use a coupon/promotion to get a discount.  Groceries, toiletries, clothes, and even restaurant savings will be included.  You can see more specifics on the guidelines on Ashleigh's post here.

You know I already keep a running total of my savings on my sidebar, so this will just be a little more specific and include a post at the end of each month to share my savings from the month.

What you can look forward to in my "How Much Can I Save in a Year" monthly posts:

-Monthly updates on my savings.
-Monthly updates on free items from the month.
-Monthly tips on saving money that you can utilize.
-An occasional video post on my savings (see below for a taste of that).

We would love to have you join us! If you would like to, please leave a comment with your link on my post at the end of the month or send me an email letting me know you would like to be included and I will included a link to your blog in my monthly posts.

And in order to make this kick-off to savings even more fun, I'm including a little video of my savings from my shopping trip today.  Let me apologize in advance for a few things:
-Boone's whining toward the end of the post.
-I annoyingly chew gum at the beginning of the video.
-I misspoke and stated that I had a $2 off coupon for the chips...really they cost $2 and I had a $1/1 coupon making them $1.
-This is my first video post of myself.  Enough said.

My questions for you:  In general, are you interested in saving money using coupons? Are you interested in tips to help you saving money? What would you like to hear about? Where do you feel you're a little "rusty" on saving money? What types of posts would really benefit your household budget? I would love to hear your input in hopes to meet your needs in the upcoming year and get you motivated to save.


  1. Oh I'm so excited for this. I try but I just don't really get all of it. I want to know how you can use 2 coupons on one item, and what in the world is a Catalina? I know very specific, but you asked:)

  2. what a fantastic day of savings!!! you are adorable... love the video! i was a coupon fiend until our 2nd baby was born. now, i'm lucky if i make a list. but, i do tend to only buy what is on sale. my son has severe allergies, so it has also changed the way i shop. i can't buy anything and everything. : ( so, in short, i'm not saving like i used to. but, i still get so thrilled hearing about other's savings! : )

  3. i have been wanting to try couponing forever! i just never get around to it! lol! i'm always about SAVING though! your video is adorable! you are so cute and it was fun hearing you. i have been meaning to do a vlog! hopefully i can do one soon!

  4. oh you are so adorable! loved your video :) and yes i'd love to do this! i might copy you and add the savings total in my side bar and do a update like you mentioned. i love krogers, they have the best savings deals. couponing has saved us so much money and plus its just so fun to get a great deal!

  5. Yea!! So exciting!!! I need to do another post like this telling readers all we decided on! Thanks for starting us off! I'm excited to see how much we can save!
    Oh and also there's a free milk coupon on my blog:
    You get a free single serve any flavor any brand milk with your gallon or half gallon purchase, so you can get more of those Horizon organics!

  6. oh--and my blog is, i'd love for you to link to me in your posts!

  7. Could you be any cuter?
    I don't know where to find coupons. that's why I don't use them. Like where are you getting these?

  8. I would LOVE to save mroe money using coupons but I'm just either too lazy or not convinced of how much I can really save. I'm really looking forward to your tips!


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