

my mountain

My poor, pitiful blog has been left alone lately.  I know.  But hopefully I'm back.  At least for now.  I've decided with the start of a new year that I really am going to be less "on my own case" about blogging all the time.  I'm planning on just blogging when I feel the need.  Blogging when I truly want to share something or document something.  Blogging for a purpose...not just blogging to blog.  I truly do love it.  I love blogging.  I love connecting.  Because I love writing.  And I love being able to share what God is doing in my life.  And wow...He has been working so much in my life lately.  Or really, the more I think about it, it's just that I'm paying more attention.

One thing was laid heavy on my heart the last few months of 2010.  It was the fact that God had placed so much on my heart throughout the year.  So many things that I felt convicted to do.  But one thing was wrong.  I wasn't moving.  I felt the nudge...but I stood still.  And it made me ashamed and sick to my stomach to think about it.  I even had the nerve to exclaim that God just wasn't talking to me. Ever been there?

Maybe it was laziness.  Maybe it was not knowing where to begin.  Sometimes I'm like that.  I get so indecisive that I freeze and don't make a decision at all.  Well with 2011, I've decided that I'm putting a stop to not moving.  I'm refusing to let God's convictions on my heart to stop there.  I'm ready to move.

Within the last couple years I've really learned a lot about trusting God's will.  To lay it all out there and pray like crazy for God to open doors and move mountains.  I prayed so often in the past, "Lord, let your will be done."  I've prayed for God to show me the way, for God to make His will known, for God to put certain things in my life or take things away.  But what I've most recently learned through tons of reflection and studying the bible, is that I haven't been taking the leap.  That scary leap of faith.  And maybe even worst, I haven't been completely trusting that my humble prayers can honestly move mountains if I just believe and trust.

Jesus replied, "I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and it will be done.  If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer."
Matthew 21-22

In the first week of 2011, I have probably taken more leaps of faith than maybe all of 2010.  I'm turning a new page.  When I pray, I'm praying boldly and praying knowing and believing wholeheartedly that God will answer. That He will move what seems like mountains in my life.  So far, after much prayer, I have taken two huge leaps of faith...and the peace in my heart is possibly an answer to prayer within itself.  These steps have opened my eyes to God's amazing, passionate love for me.  Me.  And His attention to every. single. detail in my life.  I am overjoyed as I pray and wait on God...wait to see just what mountains He moves.  And wait to take the next leap of faith.

How has God moved mountains in your life? What has He taught you so far this year?


  1. I am happy to say that God has also been moving mountains in my soul lately. He moved me to tears when I was praying for my students the other night. I have had such happiness since coming back from break to this job that I know He has chosen me to do. They stress me out at times, but I truly believe that God placed me here to show His love to my students and impact their lives. He has also brought someone amazing into my life so I guess time will tell what plans He has working in my life.

    I know we haven't seen each other in years, but I pray for you daily. I feel like you have helped me see such light in Christ. I am so thankful that God is moving mountains in your life and that you have been called by Him to do something great. Keep patience in the fact that He has a plan. It is up to us to be witness to his wonder in our lives. Keep taking those leaps of faith!
    With much love and support,

  2. Beautiful post, Cait, and wonderfully said! God can definitely move any mountain . . .

  3. Great Post. When we were trying to conceive I would pray about it none stop, in a pleading sort of way. Then one day in church we heard that when we pray we should KNOW that God WILL help us. That he does hear us, each and every time. It completely changed the way that I prayed. And that very next month I was pregnant.

  4. This is so wonderful to read, it's something that God teaches us all again and again and again in our paths closer to Him. One thing that I have learned is that sometimes God lets us make choices that we expect Him to make for us, sometimes as a test, sometimes just because we are His children and He wants us to grow up and actually apply what He has taught us to our actions. It sounds like you are doing just that!

  5. good for you! Honestly, I don't know if I've put that much thought into anything this year. I did kind of go through this same thing about 6 months ago though...

  6. praying for you and this new year! sounds like you've got an exciting journey with God coming up in 2011. that last paragraph is so inspiring and encouraging!

  7. Just want you to know that I am praying for you. I know what it is like to have to take that leap and to trust...and I also know how hard that can be. Somehow God always allows things to work Him. :)


Thanks for stopping by! Your support and insight encourage and inspire me! I would love to hear your thoughts.