

The Blessing Box Link-Up

I am so excited about co-hosting a new weekly link-up...

The Blessing Box

I will be hosting along with my sweet friends each Tuesday! Natalie, Beth Ann, Mallorie, Jordan, Allie and I will be sharing the blessings God has placed in our paths during the week.

We have been inspired by James 1:17a, "Every good and perfect gift is from above."

God blesses us daily, and it's important to be intentional on praising and thanking Him for those gifts in our lives! His love is so amazing, let's give Him the praise and recognition He deserves for the blessings He provides!

So make sure to come back, grab the box, and link-up with us each Tuesday!

(Disclaimer:  I'm pictureless this week because of computer probs.)

{Blessing One}

Contentment.  With me staying at home this year, Justin and I are working even harder on staying on-budget and being focused on how we spend/don't spend our money.  I am just so content with our current financial situation.  That God has given us contentment with so much less than our world tells us we need.  God continues to provide and be faithful in ways that consistently surprise us and remind us of His will in our lives.

{Blessing Two}

The joy my little girl brings to others.  I hear it so often, that Adeline is "pure joy".  Yes, I'm her mommy. But y''s so true.  Case in point.  She absolutely made a sweet old lady's day at the grocery store the other day by talking to her, smiling and waving to her.  I see so many littles get so frightened by older people and Adeline has just never been like that.  We passed this lady a little later in another row, and without the lady seeing her at first, Adeline started waving to her and saying "bye bye. bye bye".  The lady melted and joy filled her face.  I'm so, so blessed.

{Blessing Three}

Simple words.  Just how the simple words over others that they don't even realize, can turn your eyes and heart to God in a new, enlightened way.  This happened to me in Sunday School on Sunday.  One of my friends mentioned how we need to find that way/place that we can get closest to God.  I think that we sometimes put in our minds a stereotypical way of worship.  But not all of us worship God the same way.  For me, it's nature.  I'm always, always drawn closer to God through nature.  Being it, sitting by the water or taking a walk.  It's nature that draws me closest to Him.  And I need to remember that.  I need to get to that raw place of worship much more often than I do.


  1. love how much of a blessing these girls can be to other people's lives!! so amazing what God is already doing with their little lives!

  2. Contentment is such a blessing! Love how A was so sweet to that lady. H tends to be shy and kind of scared when people talk to him. He used to not be that way! I'm sure it's just a stage.

  3. Number One is such a hard one for me. I am surrounded by people who make more money than J and I and it just really gets to me sometimes. I know everyone has their struggles and weakness and I try to keep that in mind but being 100% content is really REALLY hard for me...which I hate.

  4. That is so awesome that you are have contentment in your new situation and you guys have been able to stick to your budget! I also struggle with that quite often and get caught up in the comparison game more than I would like to admit!


Thanks for stopping by! Your support and insight encourage and inspire me! I would love to hear your thoughts.