

december blessings.

I'm hosting with Natalie, Beth Ann, and Jordan to share the blessings
God has placed in our paths during the week.

(One.) I'm blessed by this sweet girl's zest for life.  There's not a moment that goes by that she's not taking it all in and squealing with delight.

(Two.) I'm blessed by impromptu, unplanned memories that will last a lifetime.  Adeline went to bed early the other night because of no nap.  It was a snowy night and we got the urge to go ahead and put up the tree.  We had started putting up the tree and I decided we would get it up just to the point of where Adeline could add some ornaments when she got up.  She decided to wake up at 10 pm and wouldn't go back to sleep.  So what did we do? We decorated the tree, baked cookies, and set up the manger!


(Three.) I'm beyond blessed to spend my days with my favorite girl.  You just never know what kinda of shenanigans may happen.

(Four.) I'm blessed knowing that my little one will grow up knowing a church is a family.  That God's house is a place of love, laughter, grace and fellowship.  A place that propels us to go out and love on people like crazy in His name.

(Five.)  I'm blessed with these two.  I'm daily overwhelmed by His goodness that shines through these two.  This family.

(Six.)  I'm blessed that I still have my grandparents on my Mom's side in my life.  That Adeline has two great-grandparents to love and learn from.  We spent Monday afternoon (Adeline still in her Christmas jammies) with my mom at my grandparents' eating lunch (my Grandma is the best cook) and helping them decorate their tree.  The joy this brought them and the memories added to our Christmases because of this day are priceless.

image by Adeline
I'm also linking up with [the good life blog] today for the virtual Christmas Pajama Party.

We would love to have you join us! All GOOD things come from has God blessed you recently? Make sure to grab the box at the top and link-up with us today!


  1. Such a cutie pie in her Christmas jammies! Thanks for linking up with us!

  2. So much awesome stuff! YOu guys are making sweeeet memories this month friend :)

  3. Love this post and the pics. The fringe boots...LOVE! And her little ponytail and jammies! Too much cuteness.

  4. What a sweet tree decorating memory!

  5. Love your blog! It's always awesome to meet other believers here in the blog world. :)

  6. Just lovely article! I loved the Xmas tree decorations. My birthday also lies on this holy day and I love to host grand parties to celebrated double occasion. This year we will travel to LA for a fun destination party at one of the best Los Angeles venues.


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