


This I am....
for baskets.

Or maybe in life in general.

Sometimes I think I have a serious problem when I'm sitting on my couch relaxing on a Saturday and my eyes wander to the bottom of the entertainment center and it's cluttered mess.

Does anyone else have this problem?

This is what I saw.

And my thought?

Let's fix this.

So I went to the corner of my living room where we have a basket that held two pillows just for decoration.  Well the pillows aren't conducive to Boone's shedding habits.  So the pillows went downstairs for use at another time and the basket calmed me by catching all the extras that are housed in the bottom of our entertainment center.

There.  It's fixed.  And now my mind can focus on the current reality show of choice (and their messy lives) that blares from the TV instead of a mess in our entertainment center.  Much better.


  1. I use baskets the same way! I just love how you can be messy inside of the basket, but no one can tell!

  2. I love all of your tips! Now, here is maybe a silly question....where do you find all of these cute baskets??

  3. Ha! Love it. I think teachers have a bit of add in them:)

  4. Haha. Is it just me or did it look pretty tidy before??


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