

The other side...

of blogging world.

The teacher side of blogging world!

My lovely friend, Jessie, got me hooked on blogging for my classroom.  What a super easy and fun way to keep parents updated and kiddos excited about seeing their own faces amidst their learning on the world wide web.

So in preparation for random spouts of being absent from my first love, this blog, I wanted to share with you another place you may find me. This is the blog where I don't just play Cait amidst a blessed life, but I play Mrs. Gentry, a 4th grade teacher, passionately teaching kiddos and praying to transform their hearts and minds in a positive way.

Stop by and visit when you get a chance! We'd love to have you take a glimpse into our classroom!

Happy weekend!!

1 comment:

  1. Cute blog! I am also a teacher but I've never thought about having a classroom blog! Such a cute idea.


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