

I'm loving...


(Linking up the the sweet Jamie today!)

I'm loving that I finally had time to wrap some presents!

I'm loving that we had a snow day on Monday which made my weekend 3 1/2 days long since I also took a 1/2 personal day last Friday afternoon.  Embarrassingly, I slept until 9:44 and got up just in time to get ready to go to brunch with my family.  Love it! (Crazy thing is we may have another one on Thursday b/c they are calling for ice in our area.) This is so early to have snow days in our neck of the woods!

I'm loving these boots.  I cheated a tad with 30 for 30...and swapped out my jean jacket I hadn't worn at all for the 30 days for these boots since we are now about to have our 3rd snow (all 3 inches or so at least).  I wasn't planning on that when I picked my 30.  Forgive me.  These are to.die.for comfort with leggings.  Flip flops for winter.  Seriously.
from Target

I'm loving that I have at least two get-togethers planned with friends over my Christmas break that I have not been able to spend enough time with at all lately.  Love that!

I'm loving that my 2 week long Christmas break starts Friday at 3:00.  Lots of relaxing and festivities to come! Whoo hoo!

And I'm loving that my handsome hubby has baked cookies (you're reading this hours after I've written thanks to timed posts) excuse me please...I'm going to go enjoy them.

What are you loving?


  1. I'm sooo looking forward to Christmas break too!

  2. Thanks for playing along!

    I'm SO excited for Christmas break too!

  3. your presents look awesome! i meant to have mine wrapped by dec. 1 so I could enjoy looking at them under the tree but alas I am still waiting on most of them : ( whoops! But tomorrow's my last day so i will DEFINITELY be getting them wrapped friday or saturday! Yay for break!!!! Much needed! : )

  4. I love your wrapping! You used an elephant, if Im correct, that is so cute:)

  5. what cute ways you wrapped them up, love the ornaments on it! how crazy that yall have had so much crazy winter weather---here in texas it was in the 70s. and will probably be cold *in the forties* tomorrow! your christmas break sounds so fun, enjoy!

  6. Your gift wrapping skills are superior to mine! I make my husband wrap all the gifts! Those boots are so cute!


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