

date night blessings

Today, I'm linking up with Natalie's Blessing Box.

I need to share this blessing with you in hopes that it may also bless you.  (It's one of those things way too great to hold onto as a secret.)

Justin and I have started "Thursday Questions" idea I got from the fabulous Loerke's from Today's Letters.  This fab couple started asking four questions to each other each week in which they coined as "Tuesday Questions".  They've shared their questions on their blog and encouraged other couples to use them.  They have been such an amazing blessing and inspiration to Justin and me.  Now each Thursday, whether it's on a walk, at a restaurant, over dinner at our kitchen table, or just sitting on the couch, we ask each other these four questions....

1. How did you feel loved this past week?
2. What does your upcoming week look like?
3. How would you feel most loved & encouraged in the days ahead?
4. How would you best feel pursued in sex / intimacy this week? 

Seems simple? Maybe it is...but it's exactly what we needed to stir up more intentional communication in our marriage.

This past Thursday, our date night included dinner out (thanks to a gift card from last Christmas).  Next we went to a special light show that is in a mega cavern that runs under our city.  Crazy, huh? It was so neat to drive through this awesome light display.

Justin was excited to be driving underground

We ended our night shopping at Kohl's for our Angel Tree kiddo from church.

What a blessing of a night with my hubby.  Love you babe.


  1. those are great questions to get important conversations going. i love having wonderful conversation with my hubby! glad you guys had a fun date night. love those lights too!!! :)

  2. so you ask the same questions every week or different ones every week??? i think that is a great way to make sure you are meeting each other's needs every week. that's so important & something that can get lost in the the hub-ub of life! inspired!

  3. thanks for the great idea (or link to the great idea!) i'm thinking we might have to start something like this too!

  4. fist pumps and leg kicks for thursday questions! way to be intentional. we guarantee they will help keep you centered throughout the week! much love, em & tim

  5. Should have read this before I went Christmas shopping (ps, sorry i didn't complete the last 3 days of your linky. I got sic =( ) I had a budjet but still felt frustrated---now I know why. I didn't write down what all I got for each person including the prices...I just year, I'll be doing better.


Thanks for stopping by! Your support and insight encourage and inspire me! I would love to hear your thoughts.