

on a normal day

this is what our house looks like.

Please tell me I'm not the only one.


  1. If you could see my house right now, you'd feel GREAT about yours!

  2. oh honey. you most certainly are not alone!

  3. You are most definitely not the only one!

  4. Oh, my friend, you are certainly not the only one!

  5. nope, not at all! we always have pillows from the couch scattered about...a mountain of clothes i just cant seem to ever get put away (i think laundry is my least favorite. well that and cleaning the shower)...and always have shoes in the entry way from several days. nice to know i'm not alone too!

  6. You definately aren't the only one!!!! Everytime I go to take pictures to post on my blog I'm always moving stuff around so it looks neater!

  7. you are most definitely NOT the only one. my house about 10 up on find some comfort in that :)

  8. HAHA I'm single so no one really knows what my house looks like, but to say that it is much worse would be an understatement! Hope you enjoyed your snow day :)

  9. By no means are you the only one!! My house is worse!! I have no embraced it quite yet.. I am such an OCD perfectionist, I will one day enjoy the mess though hopefully!

  10. Girl, that's nothing compared to ours! I attribute it to less than 900 sq ft. Our 2nd bedroom is full of stuff to be organized and all of my craft supplies/fabric. And with Christmas presents & wrapping, its crazy!


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