

If you're like me at all, you have gobs of pins on pinterest and the best intentions to actually get around to making/doing all those things you've pinned...but it just doesn't happen as often as you'd like.  I've found that my craft-time has gone from here and there...to almost non-existent with a newborn.  I'm okay with that...the trade-off is pretty sweet.  However, I have just completed one project that I found on pinterest and have piles of craft supplies on my kitchen table to work on some other projects that I'm excited about.  So here's my most recent pinterest-inspired project.


via on pinterest

Completed project:

color version

my fave--black and white

So I'm not a professional photographer and I was working close to nap time which meant a slowly melting baby...we were very near a meltdown...but I'm so happy with how this photo turned out! I'm picturing it framed on the wall for sure!

Pin It!


  1. Very, very cute Caitlin! You are doing an amazing job at documenting her life in words and photos! She is so sweet. It sounds like you all are doing wonderfully-so glad to read that!! Keep enjoying her-hope to see you all soon:)

  2. I just saw that and pinned it yesterday for future babies! I love it! Great job!

  3. That's such a cute idea! What verses did you highlight? I can tell it's from the Psalms...but my eyesight isn't THAT good. ;)

    In other news, I can't get over Adeline's hair. So cute. :)

  4. Oh this is adorable! I love it.

  5. aw very very cute!!!



  6. LOVE your pictures! so sweet!


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