
bump update: weeks 36 and 37

37 weeks 1 day
How far along? 37 weeks!!

Baby size: Watermelon...crazy.  On average, about 19 inches long and 6 1/3 pounds.

Total weight gain: About 20 pounds total.

Sleep: Eh...getting a little worst.  She just is in uncomfortable positions some nights which makes it hard for me to get comfortable.  I also wake up to pee about every other hour it seems.  I am thankful to be on Fall Break this week, though, which will allow me to get more rest and make up for waking up so much throughout the night.

Movement: Lots of strong movement.  Her little foot hurts when it moves around sometimes, but I love being able to put my hand on her foot as it pushes out.  I still am in awe daily of the positions she seems to take on and how my stomach transforms before my eyes.

Food cravings/aversions: Mexican still isn't a huge hit.  Chinese tastes really good.  I'm also back to craving Dr. Pepper.  And chocolate has hit the top of the cravings list these days.

Pregnancy Symptoms: Constant bathroom trips, pain in general, some mild cramping, occasional Braxton Hicks, etc.  Basically everything the book says will happen right now.

What I miss: Again, feeling normal and having a "normal" body.

What I'm looking forward to: Her birthday and my maternity leave with her.

Milestones: Full-term!! I can't believe we're already here! It's such a blessing to know that if she decided to come at any time now, it would be perfectly okay and labor wouldn't be considered pre-term.  Whoo hoo! Also, our bags are basically packed (mine and Justin's, Boone's, and Adeline's) except for a few last-minute items.

Best moment this week: Hitting full-term.  This week is my Fall Break, which came at a FABULOUS time.  This gal needs a break (both mentally and physically).

Moments with Justin: Date night! Friday after my appointment, we returned some things to Target and enjoyed frappuccinos from Starbucks, went to see a matinee (Courageous--a MUST SEE!), and then went to dinner at P.F. Chang's with a gift card we've had since Christmas.  It was such a great time of being together and talking.  I'm soaking in every little moment we get together these days.  I know that "on-a-whim" dates will be few and far between once Adeline's here.  Although we can't wait for her to be here, I don't want to take any of this time for granted.

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  1. yay full term! come on out little girl! :)
    i bet you are so thankful for a break. and before you know it you will be home for a long break with your little sweetie!!
    we saw courageous this weekend too....SO good. Tony cried a ton now that he is a daddy...i can't tell you how sweet it is to see him with his daughter. i know you will feel the same way!
    we went on a lot of dates too as my due date approached-it suddenly becomes very real that you won't just be able to do them whenever you want anymore! :) hopefully adeline will be easy like callyn-we just popped her in a sling and took her to the movies with us!

  2. Yay for full term and a perfectly timed break! Maybe she'll come during your break and you can just start your mat leave then too! Enjoy those last few dates - they really will be few and far between, but it's okay because you won't want to leave her :)

  3. YAYYY full term!!! :-) I seriously could copy and paste this whole thing for my update! HA! Well except swap the hubbys ;-) My hubby and I have been going on dates as much as possible on the weekend as well! You look so cute! :-)

  4. Congrats, you're almost there! The happiest day of your life is about to happen :) :) BUT do soak in all these last days with your hubby. It's only been a month with Addison here, and though I love her so much and couldn't imagine life without her, I miss quality time with hubby! I know we'll get more time again eventually though :) You look great. Oh, and although you may want to feel 'normal' again, you will likely miss that little baby kicking inside you :)

  5. I can't believe that you are full term! You really could meet your sweet girl anytime now! I hope you enjoy your fall break and get some relaxation in.


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