I have the decluttering and organizing bug.
When I get in this mood....I better utilize it! I love to organize and declutter, but the truth is...I'm not always in the mood. (Especially in this cold weather when I just want to be a couch potato.) Well the bug hit....one, because the winter weather pretty much traps you in your home with a deathgrip and two, I get inspired by lovely bloggers that I find in this world of blogging. (Bless you, ladies!) So I did the big project a few weeks ago....the hubby's closet. (Boo me for not taking a before picture.) The "after" is still evident. You'll just have to take my word on this one. I am thinking positive on this one but my
Now onto the little projects that may seem so silly and trivial to you....but they were driving me crazy! These little projects are three cabinet spaces in our kitchen. Blah. You know how you sometimes have to "learn to love" something....well that's me with our kitchen cabinets. I am grateful for what we have...but it takes creativity to make it work! :)
This is our lovely top cabinet over our awkwardly tall cabinet space that we use as our "pantry". This houses our lunchboxes, bulk bags of chips (Side note...I'm not a "bulk" shopper, but they were cheaper unit-price wise this week at the grocery store...hint, hint), our George Foreman, tea maker, grill tools, etc. I look at this and cringe.
(Not perfect to you organizing queens...but this works great for us. Accessible and simple.)
Really?! I let it get to this?!
(please don't tell Martha Stewart)
I matched lids to bottoms, recycled the oddballs, and as you can tell, moved the contents to one of our big drawers. Ahhh. I can breath easier...this makes so much more sense in our kitchen.
Where the tupperware was now holds oven mits, new sponges and napkin rings (in the white basket), and my aprons. (Again, it makes sense. Oven mits directly next to the oven. Duh, Cait.)
So no longer can my hubby sit in the living room and crack up as he hears me saying some unpleasant words to the tupperware as they topple out of the cabinet and I shove them back in with one hand while closing the door with the other. Oh darn.
So there you go....hopefully I'm spreading the decluttering bug to you. Start little....it'll make your progress so much more rewarding as the projects snowball....(like that Dave Ramsey talk?)
....Now what else can I declutter and organize?
p.s. I moved my 2010 coupon savings running total to my sidebar. Follow me through the year as I pinch pennies with coupons. Call me a nerd if you want to...but it's so much fun. Hope it will inpsire you!

January is the perfect time for decluttering, isn't it? I love those before and after shots... (visiting from SITS)
ReplyDeleteWell, I hope your "bug" is contageous!
ReplyDeleteA SITS friend
I need your mad skilz to come tackle my basement. Pretty Please?
ReplyDeleteThe Saturday Sphinx
Nice job! I try every month to reorganize things in our house, only to have them destroyed 10 minutes later from our 3 and 1 yr old. What I wouldn't give to have organization stick in this house. lol
ReplyDeleteOh I am just enjoying having things "just so" before we have kiddos. I'm sure it doesn't last when you get the little busy bodies amidst everything! haha. Being a teacher, I've learned this just from being in the classroom. Things look so nice and neat until they hit the door at 7:30 am. :) Thanks for stopping by my blog, ladies!
ReplyDeleteThis is random... totally not the point of the post... but we have a Mr Coffee Iced Tea Maker too! Isn't it the greatest thing ever???