I am a little pillow-crazy. I love how a simple pillow can add so much coziness to a room. So, I have recently completed some mini-makeovers using pillows within our home. Check out the befores and afters.

This fall I changed out our dreary dark red pillows on one of our couches to light, cream colored pillows. I'm not sure if it was the changing seasons or the thought of the creamy, white snow of winter. Whatever it was that inspired me, it's amazing how the new pillows lighten up the room! (Each white pillow was $9.99 at Target.)

Just today I was at Kohl's and found a pair of these great floral pillows for $4 each on super clearance. I could not pass up a deal like that! It really helps cozy up this wicker chair in our living room. (The matching pillow found a home on our extra bedroom bed as I did a little re-arranging with the pillows that were originally on that bed.) See below...

So you may have recently heard the newly coined phrase by thrifty desingers called "shopping your home". We all have that extra "stuff" lying around that we aren't using or that could simply be used in a better way somewhere else in the home. This is a great way to refresh your rooms withouth dishing out any cash from the budget! Well that's exactly what I did...I shopped my home and found these great pillows on the bed in our guest bedroom. Think outside the box...these pillows go with the set from out guest bedroom but look just as great (maybe even better...) with our master bedroom set.

So you think a room or a few rooms need some refreshing in your home...add (or rearrange) some pillows! You'll love the result!
2010 Coupon Savings Running total:
*I saved $5.79 with coupons on my $8.83 Target bill today.
*2010 savings so far....$16.89
(Tip...I had a "buy one get one free" coupon and used a dollar off coupon on the same item. Don't be coupon shy at the store!)
I've linked this post to Thrifty Decor Chick's Before and After Party.

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