This morning, God had something completely in store for ME. Yes, He can do that. He can provide an email that touches the hearts of His children in the specific way they need it. (Wow....on a side not, that is what I try my hardest to do each day as a teacher...send this one specific message in various ways to reach my students in the way they need to be taught. Jesus is SO good!)
Anyways...With the new year, and my newly refined passion for my blog and reaching others, I have been a tad bit consumed with thoughts on our little bungalow and our little life as husband and wife. What is it God wants me to share with others? What is it that makes our little home so special that I can spread ideas to others? And those thrifty ideas God has created my mind to contain...what do I share with those reading my blog? Well, I have also been struggling with finding balance between these thoughts and what God wants me to do with them...and God provided some insight!
Max Lucado so eloquently wrote in the email:
You were intended to live in your Father’s house. Any place less than his is insufficient. Any place far from his is dangerous. Only the home built for your heart can protect your heart. And your Father wants you to dwell in him.
Wow! God brought me right back to where he wanted me. I was like a fluttering butterfly with new wings, trying to decide where to land....and God said, "Land on me. Dwell in me. Your home is with me. Nothing else matters."
Not only did he provide me those words, but I also have a bible verse app on my iPhone. You hit the refresh button and it provides a random verse from the bible. Well, right on my iPhone screen popped up, John 1:14.
The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.
Another reminder to not worry...just to dwell in him.
So maybe this all sounds a little random to you. Maybe it sounds like I am talking in circles...but I hope that through this message you can be as refreshed as I was on where my concentration and focus needs to be. God tells us not to worry....he tells us to lean on him. Well that is where I find myself today. Completely reminded that only God knows what He has in store for me. So I continue with my passion of creativity and writing...I continue with my passionate love for Grace and Joy and the creator of these things. He will lead me to the ideas to write on this page. He will provide the place in which I should dwell. Sigh....what a precious God we serve!
You are His. Be inspired by His words and enjoy this day He has provided us with.
xoxo, Cait

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