"All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness."
-2 Timothy 3:16
Oh how I wish I could type this blog all about how I have read my bible daily since the beginning of the new year. However, I'm not perfect. Period. I set a goal at the end of last year to spend more time with God. Being that Christmas is a time where we think so much about giving because God gave His son completely for us, I started to think about what it was I could give to God. For some reason...this was the first Christmas that I truly thought about this. I pondered this so much during the Christmas season, finally deciding it was time. I am the queen of multi-tasking. So I decided that with the new year beginning, my gift to God was my time. Completely focused non-interrupted time with God. One-on-one time. Time to just focus and center my heart solely on my Creator. Although it hasn't happened every day...it has happened a lot more than I was diving into scripture last year. I let the stress of the first year of teaching completely drain me. Although the bible was exactly what I needed on those evenings where I just came home and melted in frustration, tears, whining and complaining....it was what I pushed further from me. I have learned through so much trial and error that if you put God first in your day...everything else will completely fall into place. God knows exactly what you need in the exact moment you need it.
Flipping through my bible recently (oh the precious joy in flipping through the pages of your familiar bible), I noticed pages highlighted, underlined, and even notes jotted down here and there.
I am such a reflector. So I mark the pages of my bible like crazy. I have found it so neat lately to flip to a certain passage and find some verses on the page highlighted or marked somehow. Immediately my mind starts to ponder what was going on in my life on that specific day in that exact moment that I was moved by that specific scripture. Sometimes I am able to think back and remember exactly what was going on or what bible study I was in when I was moved by that scripture. Yet, it doesn't stop there. Not only can God touch your heart with a specific scripture in the exact moment you need it, but he can use it in a completely different way to pursue your heart at a different time and in a different way. Amazing. And some people wonder if He really loves them. The proof is right on those pages.
So I challenge you. Pick up your bible. Dust it off if you have had it sitting on a shelf. Center your heart on your Maker and He will lead your heart exactly where He wants it. He loves you and longs for you to learn more about Him and the relationship He longs to have with you. Go out on a limb. He'll be there...exactly where you need Him.

Thank you for the reminder. Sometimes I read too many Christian books and not THE Book!
ReplyDeletea SITS friend.
I completly agree. I read something the other day in my devotional that asked "where is God on your calendar? We lose touch with the most important things. I am trying to do the same. Not perfect like you, but trying