Not only are the kiddos CRAZY after getting back from Christmas....ahem....Winter Break, but we are now expecting the largest amount of snow we've had this season. That makes for craziness among the younger bunch! :)
A glimpse into my day....
(Soft, quiet music playing in the background in hopes that it will soothe their little, busy minds)
As we're packing up to go home I hear these shouts...and yes, SHOUTS.
"You know, we're going to have a snow day tomorrow."
"Yeah, at first it was supposed to come in on Friday, but now it's coming in overnight."
"I'll call you if we have a snow day. I CAN'T WAIT"
"I don't want a snow day. I'll cry."
"Have you heard of Costco? Well, we got a new sled at Costco."
As teeny, tiny...maybe you could see with a magnifying glass...snowflakes spit in the sky....
"Mrs.'s already SNOWING!"
I go back to my original word to sum up the day....Wow.
Hehe, gotta love those little cuties though...they make the day so fun and eventful.
Oh yeah....I'm starting a coupon savings running total for 2010. This is because I'm curious as to just how convenient my coupon commotion truly is.
I have only spent money at Kroger so far in 2010 (wow, really?) total savings, $4.50.
Whew....after not blogging over my entire "Winter" Break....I have so much to say! I've always been a wordy writer...big plus for college!
Final thought for today....think about how your actions affect others. truly. in every aspect of your day....God only promises us today. Make the most of it and love on others.
xoxo, Cait
oh..and ps...I got an iPhone for Christmas and iAm oh so lovin' it! more on the helpful, very useful, and just plain fun apps.

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