In the most recent study, Dave did a lesson on the importance of certain types of insurance- but what stood out to me most was his demand, biblically speaking, for people to be diligent.
Diligent. It hit me hard.
The thoughts of the diligent tend only to plenteousness; But every one that is hasty hasteth only to want. (Proverbs 21:5 ASV)
Even God's word speaks about this. I felt like God was saying to me...that's the piece of the puzzle you've been needing lately.
Not diligence to be plenty in money sense...although that's the plan with following Dave Ramsey's biblical money teachings for the long run ;) ....but plenty in life. Plenty in how I spend my time and what I gain from that through Christ. Peace. Hope. Calmness. Satisfaction that I know I'm doing all I can with the time He has gifted me.
I'm a type A, get it all done, do it all person. But let me just say...mommyhood (yet a place I'm truly diligent) has wiped me clean (mostly) of my type A-ness. You just can't always have everything in its place. You can't keep up with laundry like you used to. You can't cook perfect meals when a toddler is ripping through cabinets. Maybe possible- but not for me- not like it used to be.
So there's where diligence has left my side. I really have just let some things go and not kept up with things like I feel a diligent person would.
Intentional time with God, marriage (date nights/time alone specifically), daily household chores, "planning" for the future with certain recommendations Dave makes, healthy eating, and being active are just a few areas I feel like I need to be more diligent.
I want to prosper in God's eyes. I want to please him with how I spend my energy and time. I know I can't be perfect at all this but I also know me-and I know I can do better.
On the way to work I was praying about this and how Justin and I can be more diligent in our lives (because, seriously, it really hit me hard). I felt like God said to me...
Calm down and just take it a thing at a time. I know you can do this. I will help.
I can do all this through him who gives me strength. (Philippians 4:13 NIV)
You all. I know I do a lot. I know I am a lot for a lot of people. I know I don't waste a TON of my time. But we are all convicted in different ways by the Holy Spirit as God sees fit. And He's convicted me. Because I know I can be better and do better. And I'm thankful that I've been taught that when I have that feeling...I need to change it and do something about it.
Precious Adeline just built her first tower by herself a couple days ago. Oh the diligence she showed as they wobbled. Stacking each one by one, when she had a steady tower, she was SO proud of herself.
I want to be like her. I want to look back on my tower of life and know that I did all I could do so that it glorifies Christ and points to him. I'm thankful it's a journey. And along the way, there is that sweet, amazing grace.
This post couldn't have come at a more perfect time because this is also something that I have been thinking a lot about! There are some areas that I really need to work on but they will require diligence that I just haven't put forth lately. Looks like I need to do some praying about it!