
if you want to wake your baby...

...paint your nails or toenails.
...make plans to leave the house.
...get in the shower.
...start crafting and make a big mess.
...get on the phone to make an appointment.
...start eating your lunch that you've been trying to eat for hours.
...warm up your cold cup of coffee.
...decide to finally sit down and get some school or work things accomplished.
...sit down to write a blog post.

What else is a guaranteed task that automatically means your babe wakes form his or her nap?

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  1. Any sort of cleaning...but I don't mind that one being interrupted :)

  2. ha! so true. Mine used to be anytime I tried to take a nap.

  3. So true!!! Especially for me..getting on the phone to make an appointment and getting online to do a blog post/do research on something!

  4. The UPS man coming and your dog barking!


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