Ashleigh at Thankfully Thrifty has become a "bloggy friend" of mine. :) She's in Dallas...I'm in good ol' Kentucky...but we've found lots of similarities. Striving to be stewards of God's money? Check! Crafty? (well she's much more impressive on that end! Check out her cute clutch.) Check! Cute "puppies" that seem to be more like our babies? Check! If you're not in the blogging's the best part of it all...making friends with people you would have probably never come in contact with! Check out Ashleigh's blog for thrifty tips, AWESOME links to freebies, her amazing deals, and all things crafty and cutesy. Thanks again, Ashleigh!
Now to pass on the love...Check out my post from about a week ago on my blog tribe to find some great ladies whose blogs bless me! (So cool that I've added Thankfully Thrifty since then...I challenge you to continue to grow your list as I do mine! It's just plain fun!)
So in honor of any of my new (or
1. Coupon Buddies--
Find a few people that get coupons that they don't use all of them and swap coupons! Sounds simple? It is! (It's "being green" with your coupons, too!) My mom and my grandma are my coupon buddies. We're so serious about this that my grandma hands me a stack of coupons when I come into church on Sunday mornings and my mom has them waiting for me in a grocery bag at her house when I come by. haha...we're hard-core coupon people! Check out this stack of coupons I got from my mom the other day.
This makes my heart happy.
2. Frugal Fabric Softener--
My momma taught me this one! I have been guilty of always buying drier sheets. Well, this great tip cuts down on how much fabric softener you buy...big time. Whew! The directions on the bottle won't tell you to do this....but I am asking you to be a thrifty rebel here. Grab a waschcloth and cup it over the top of the bottle. Simple turn the bottle over once to wet a spot of the washcloth with the fabric softener. Throw the washcloth into the drier with your clothes and you'll have the same fresh smell and soft-to-the touch clothes. (And my static.) Of course, you may need to adapt how many times you do this onto the washcloth depending on if you are a get-it-over-with-as-fast-as-you-can laundry person like me and do huge loads. (Dollar off coupon in that stack of coupons you saw earlier helped me get this for about $2.)
Enjoy your day!
blessings, Cait

Thanks for checking out my blog today! I love your blog it looks so fun! Thank you for the tip on fabric softener, I would have never even thought about the washcloth idea, I"m going to use it next time I do laundry.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great tip! Can't wait to try it out!!
ReplyDeleteFor starters, I'd heard that about the fabric softener before & forgotten... so I'm going to try it today! I love coupons but can never seem to find the right ones. I do need a coupon group! Lol. What a cute award. I'll have to go check out her site...
ReplyDeleteThanks for your sweet post! And I love that fabric softener idea! Next time I find a good deal on liquid softener, I may need to do this!!
ReplyDeleteAnd your fajitas, a few posts up, look wonderful too!! And I love that you allow your dog on the couch... us too! My mom about has a heart attack that we do, but oh well! Haha.
Thankfully Thrifty :)