Jessie's Blog is a blog of a sweet teacher friend of mine that always seems to put others first. She blogs about life as a teacher, wife, momma to a cute beagle, avid UK fan, and artist. The best thing, she's as fun and sweet in person as she comes off in her blog!
Crazy Joy is another blog of a teacher friend of mine. Not only have I been blessed to become great friends with this wonderful gal through teaching as next-door neighbors and partner teachers, but the love of Christ absolutely shines through her...both in daily life and with each post she creates. A must read!
The Scholastic Scribe is a humorous blog by someone I connected with through SITS. Maybe it's the teaching connection, but she has been so sweet and supportive through commenting on my blog! Check out her funny pictures.
Tickled Pink Twice is another funny blog! This blogger has supported me through commenting recently on a couple of my posts. What blows me away is that this busy mom is downright honest about the ins and outs of life as a mom and takes the time to reply to every single comment you post to her blog. Check out this great lady and her wonderful insight!
Seriously...check these ladies out! You'll get hooked.
Since I'm new to list is short. However, I truly appreciate those I mentioned above. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the "blog love" you have poured out on this "baby" of mine. I only hope to support you ladies as you have me! (And to those of you non-bloggers that support me....I know who you are....and thank you!) Who is in your tribe that you can "call out"?

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